3D Lipo Fat Freezing (Cryolypolyisis)

At Ultimate Bodyworks we use 3D Lipo’s newest, and only, medical grade body contouring machine, the Ultimate Pro. Our fat freezing treatments target specific parts of the body to permanently remove fat.

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How does fat freezing Work?

The body area being treated is covered with a cryo pad to protect the skin. The hand-piece gently vacuums the body area and the two cooling plates slowly freeze the area to around -7 degrees centigrade. This effectively kills the fat cells and they become waste in your body. By drinking a minimum of two litres of water every day and gently exercising if you can, the waste is processed through your lymphatic system and leaves the body naturally. It takes up to 3 months to see the full effects of the treatment but often sooner. 

What areas can be treated with fat freezing?

Fat freezing is an effective method to eliminate fat cells on the lower abdomen, the upper abdomen, upper arms, inner thighs, outer thighs, hips, thighs, love handles, bra fat and the chin. The fat needs to be soft as it is gently vacuumed into the freezing hand-piece.

Why choose fat freezing?

Fat freezing will eliminate 20-40% of the fat cells treated. It is a quick treatment and only one treatment is needed to achieve a measured loss. Further treatments can be carried out in the same body area 6 weeks later to achieve further fat loss as long as the 4 complimentary sessions of shockwave have been carried out. If not, then the same body area can be treated again 12 weeks later.

Fat freezing is a non-invasive, painless treatment with no downtime. 

Who can have fat freezing?

If you have pockets of soft fat then fat freezing is a great option and will help to reduce the fat in this body area. If you would like further circumference reduction, fat freezing can be combined with a course of cavitation. A full consultation is necessary before treatment to check there are no factors that would make the treatment unsafe or ineffective. 

Fat Freezing Prices