Gift Vouchers

Do you have a special occasion coming up for a loved one or a friend, be it a birthday, anniversary, or Christmas? Or perhaps you just want to treat them!

Here at Ultimate Bodyworks we have you covered!

Gift vouchers are available to purchase and can be in your inbox within a couple of clicks ready to print off. Alternatively you can pick up a beautifully presented voucher from the clinic or arrange to have it posted out to you. 
Gift vouchers can be purchased for any monetary value, any product, or you can buy one for a specific treatment. You will find some ideas below but if you would like any help at all with buying a voucher please just get in touch and I will be happy to help. 
30 min hydr02 facial to deeply cleanse, exfoliate and hydrate the face – £50
45 min AlumierMD mask treatment with LED phototherapy – £85
90 min mesotherapy with targeted eye treatment to rejuvenate skin and infuse skin loving ingredients into the skin – £150
One area of fat freezing – £150
Two areas of fat freezing -£200