AlumierMD Chemical Peels and Masks

Are you ready to unveil a radiant, youthful complexion?

Ultimate Bodyworks is here to guide you through a transformative journey, combining cutting-edge technology with the power of science to reveal your skin’s true potential.

Say goodbye to dullness, imperfections, and uneven texture as we introduce you to the world of AlumierMD Chemical Peels, where confidence meets rejuvenation.

What are AlumierMD Chemical Peels and Masks?

A chemical peel is a treatment used to improve skin texture and tone. An acid is applied to the skin to lower the pH, which loosens the connections between dead skin cells, including exfoliation and stimulating new cell growth. This process causes superficial layers of dead skin to peel off, revealing a smoother and more radiant complexion. Chemical peels have been used dating back to Ancient Egypt, according to some sources, Cleopatra used sour milk to improve the appearance of her skin.

AlumierMD masks use highly performing, elegantly formulated the correct molecular weight to penetrate the skin in order to cleanse, exfoliate, brighten and hydrate the skin. These are a great introduction to the power of AlumierMD and ideal for skin that is not quite ready for a chemical peel.

How does it work?

AlumierMD offers light to medium depth peels known for their excellent results and safety profile. We believe in repeated treatments for progressive and gradual results to avoid side effects and downtime associated with deeper peels. AlumierMD peels are only performed by trained skin care professionals in a clinical setting to ensure that they are delivered safely and effectively.

Chemical peels work by deeply exfoliating the surface layers of the skin, forcing your body to quickly replenish it with new cells. When peels are performed regularly, the skin gets used to this process and begins to rejuvenate itself like younger skin. To be sure that the body doesn’t react to this exfoliation as it would to trauma, which can lead to pigment changes, exfoliation must be introduced gradually giving the skin time to adjust.Pre-treatment products condition the skin, accelerate results and minimise complication.

Post-treatment products minimise complications, heal and soothe the skin and then maintain the results

Who can have treatment?

There are a range of chemical peels and mask treatments to significantly improve a wide range of skin conditions. Results are always significantly better when using AlumierMD skincare alongside clinic treatments. AlumierMD chemical peels require that the skin is pre- conditioned for a few weeks minimum beforehand using AlumierMD home skincare to ensure no adverse reactions.

A full consultation is necessary before treatment to check there are no factors that would make the treatment unsafe or ineffective.

Our Chemical Peel Menu

Glow Peel (dry, normal, oily, dehydrated, acne, hyperpigmentation & ageing) – Glow Peel combines lactic acid, salicylic acid and resorcinol, creating a multipurpose resurfacing solution effective in minimizing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation issues like age spots, discolouration and uneven skin tone. This formula exfoliates dead skin cells and stimulates cell renewal. Glow Peels can be customised by the numbers of layers applied.

Radiant 30 (hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone, dull skin, fine lines & wrinkles) – Radiant 30 is an alpha hydroxy acid resurfacing peel containing lactic acid to exfoliate dead skin cells. This boosts cell turnover and stimulates collagen, improving skin texture and tone. This multifunctional peel targets multiple skin conditions, including fine lines and wrinkles, discoloration, sun damage and large pores.

Radiant 20/10 (acne, hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone, congestion, open pores & oiliness) – With lactic and salicylic acid, radiant 20/10 resurfacing peel contains a powerful combination of them both which improves skin tone and texture by exfoliating dead skin cells and speeding cell turnover. The multipurpose resurfacing peel reduces acne pimples and minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, large pores, hyperpigmentation and sun damage.

Add-on Service – Eye Rescue Treatment – Eye Rescue Pads are soothing and cooling gel pads to rejuvenate the eye area. This add on is a must for anyone that is looking to improve the appearance of the delicate eye area.

Add-on Service – Dermalux LED Phototherapy – 20 mins of Dermalux LED phototherapy can be added to your treatment. This will energise the skin to instantly revitalize a dull complexion, restore luminosity and calm irritation.

* – LED add on not suitable for Glow Peel.

Chemical Peel Prices

Our Mask Treatment Menu

Vitamin A Boost (Acne, hyperpigmentation & Ageing) – Vitamin A boost is a potent and pure retinol and lactic acid resurfacing treatment. It reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation by boosting collagen production and speeding cell turnover, creating a more radiant and even-toned complexion. Ideal for mature or sun damaged skin.

Detox Clear (Acne, Congestion) – Detox Clear contains salicylic acid and lactic acid for excellent pore penetration and exfoliation. Salicylic acid penetrates into the pore and exfoliates dead skin cells and excess sebum. Lactic acid exfoliates dead skin cells and hydrates. Eucalyptus provides strong astringent properties. Together, they work to smooth skin, minimise pore size experience, reduce acne and prevent new pimples from forming.

Detox Clear with Extraction (Congestion) – To include a double cleanse and use of Alumier Detox Clear. This contains salicylic acid and lactic acid for excellent pore penetration and exfoliation. Salicylic acid penetrates into the pore and exfoliates dead skin cells and excess sebum. Lactic acid exfoliates dead skin cells and hydrates. Eucalyptus provides strong astringent properties. Together, they smooth skin, minimise pore size experience, reduce acne and prevent new pimples from forming. Skin is then ready for extraction, followed with appropriate serum, moisturiser and SPF.

Deep Moisturising Treatment – Deep Moisturising Treatment is an intensely hydrating and nourishing option that infuses antioxidants and moisture binding ingredients resulting in plump, soft skin and a dewy complexion. This customised treatment also includes the application of targeted treatment serums to address your individual skin concerns in order to provide the optimal result.

Enzyme Treatment – Enzyme Retexturing Treatment is a highly effective fruit enzyme resurfacing solution. The unique blend of fruit enzymes exfoliates dead skin cells and promotes skin renewal. This unique experience also includes brightening enhancers, followed by targeted treatment serums to address each skin concern. The result is a reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation, while soothing and maintaining hydration.

Refining Clay Treatment – AlumierMD Refining Treatment is a highly effective treatment to refine and purify the skin. A unique blend of clay and exfoliating ingredients removes dead skin cells and promotes skin renewal while clearing trapped oil. This unique experience also includes brightening enhancers, followed by targeted treatment serums to address each skin concern. The result is a reduction in the appearance of blemishes and excess oil, while soothing and maintaining hydration.

Add-on Service – Eye Rescue Treatment – Eye Rescue Pads are soothing and cooling gel pads to rejuvenate the eye area. This add on is a must for anyone that is looking to improve the appearance of the delicate eye area.

Mask Treatment Prices